Mission Statement

The EAC Institute seeks to encourage interaction between academic researchers, industry representatives and regulatory agencies to further understanding of management and economic aspects of the aviation industry. The EAC Institute values inclusive and respectful dialogue between all individuals and groups with an interest in the aviation industry.


The EAC Institute has its origins in the Hamburg Aviation Conference of 1998, after which, the European Aviation Conference (EAC) was formed as an annual conference. The EAC has often partnered with the German Aviation Research Society to organise seminars and webinars on aviation topics of interest, as well as graduate student research workshops.

The EAC normally consists of two days of invited speakers, along with a third research day in which academic, industry and government authorities present current research. The Conference aims to be topical, to foster well-informed discussions, and to facilitate the links between academic researchers, industry representatives and regulatory agencies. In this respect it differs from other conferences which typically emphasise only industry issues and perspectives.

The EAC Institute provides a forum for discussion of management and economics aspects of aviation issues. Although based in Europe, the EAC focuses on global issues facing the aviation industry.

Executive Committee

Cathal Guiomard (Chair); Dublin City University
Brian Pearce (President); Executive Director at Air Transportation Systems Laboratory, Honorary Professor of UCL
Hans Martin Niemeier (Founding president); Hochschule Bremen
Eric Njoya (Treasurer); University of Huddersfield
Frances Kremarik (Secretary); University of Westminster
Marina Efthymiou (Publications); Dublin City University
Nicole Adler; Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Sven Buyle; University of Antwerp
Achim I. Czerny; The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Sonia Huderek-Glapska; Poznan University of Economics and Business
Barry Humphreys; BHK Aviation
William G. Morrison; Wilfrid Laurier University
Andreas Wittmer; University of St Gallen