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EACI/GARS webinar “Transportation science associations and how they are related to each other - ATRS, EACI, ITEA, GARS, SOAR”

The August webinar shaded light on the relationships among five associations. The associations are (in alphabetical order) the Air Transport Research Society (ATRS), the European Aviation Conference Institute (EACI), the German Aviation Research Society (GARS), the International Transportation Economics Association (ITEA), and the Symposium on Aviation Research (SOAR). Guest speakers were Martin Dresner from the University of Maryland for ATRS, Erik Verhoef from VU Amsterdam for ITEA, Gianmaria Martini from the University of Bergamo for SOAR, and I from The HK PolyU for EACI and GARS. Andrew Charlton from Aviation Advocacy was again so kind to moderate the webinar.

The EACI/GARS webinars usually take place every last Monday of a month at 1 pm CEST. Please mark the dates in your calendar! If you are new to the series, please register at:

July 29

EACI/GARS webinar “Revolutionary aviation technology solutions: How far reaching are the benefits?”

September 30

EACI/GARS webinar “Unmanned Aerial Mobility: The commercial potential”